Saturday, February 26, 2011

I found this as a good illustration of the importance of simplicity.  Look at the difference of the two mailers. It is obvious making things simple gives a clean, professional look.

Friday, February 25, 2011

At my internship this semester at Intermountain Healthcare, I have been challenged to design posters.  I have probably made over 20 already so far. I have found that it is a lot of trial and error and practice.  But with this new charge, I have found I love to design things!  It is so satisfying to spend so much time making something pleasing to the eye and then see it posted around the hospital.  I have decided to continue to improve my design skills, I will post "all things design" on this blog. 

This is a poster I designed in December for a PRSSA activity....not too bad, but could use some work.

Holly, whom I work with at the hospital, has so graciously helped me design a few things.  Hopefully it looks like I am improving!
Here is another one that is hanging up right now!